
TagTuner full download

TagTuner takes you beyond repetitive typing and dramatically speeds up the creation of perfectly organized music library. Discover the industry-leading  tools designed expressly to save more time when tagging music. The blazing level of automation in TagTuner means you spend more time enjoying your music collection.

Edit song tags

Make your digital music collection an example of perfect organization. Edit more than 20 basic tags at a time, fill your music files with cover artworks and lyrics. It’s always easy, no matter whether you have one file or thousands, the Tag Editor is always close at hand. No extra dialogs or manual typing. You can copy & paste all tags or only specific ones. When you select several songs, Tag Editor collects all tag values in combo boxes, allowing you to spread the right tag value from one song to many others.

Sometimes you might make a few edits and decide you don’t like them. TagTuner is the first music tag editor that offers you the undo feature. Simply choose Undo from the Edit menu and rollback the recent changes.

Since your music collection is constantly growing, well structured files and songs filled with complete information are the best way to find what you need in an instant.


System Requirements: Windows NT/ XP/ 2000/ Vista/ 7
File Size: 4,61 MB
Price: The program is available for $29.95 .

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